Serving Edmonton and Surrounding
Area Since 1975

Contact Janine at: volunteers@littlebits.ca with any questions or concerns!​​​​
Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association
Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association is a non-profit, charitable organization providing recreational horseback riding with therapeutic benefits for children and adults with disabilities in Edmonton Alberta. Each year, up to 195 riders benefit from our winter, spring and fall program and summer riding week.
We have programs for pre-school aged children (Itty Bits), children aged five and a half to 18 (Little Bits) and adults (Big Bits). Once a week, riders receive riding instruction by certified and experienced instructors assisted by a core of volunteers.
The focus is on skill development, enjoyment and the unique therapeutic aspects of horseback riding. Learn more about Our Programs. Click on the Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - YouTube Icons to get pictures and updates.